Become a member a discover what
we have for you!

I want to connect
with the right people


 million COP/ year + TAX

All-access pass to events for you
and a guest

Invitation only WhatsApp

Yearbook representation

50% discount for companies that bill less than 150M pesos per year.

I'm looking
for clients


 million COP/ year + TAX

Plan A Plus...

Convert at least one connection per month

Be the keynote speaker at your speciality events

Exclusive industry representation to entire network

Generation and publication of exclusive content.

  • Personalized interviews
  • Website presence
  • LinkedIn
  • Youtube

Multimedia presence on the YEarbook

Membership benefits

Have timely contact in pleasant and exclusive events

Have support to
accelerate business in Colombia

Belong to a network characterized by quality and compliance

Offer services in a privileged way in projects within the network

Admissions process for our affiliates

Are you eligible to be a Europa network affiliate?


You must be recommended by one of our affiliates


Your company must have verifiable work experience with any of our affiliates